Monday 25 October 2010

DVD: THE SEEKER - The Dark is Rising

The struggle between dark and light - good vs evil. The Dark is Rising was written by Susan Cooper in the 1970's.

I have read this book a few times over the past years as its kept its special place on our family bookshelf. Its a really fantasic book.

We just watched the DVD this weekend and I realised how much is changed from the book.

I liked Will being 11 years old in the book. It seemed right.

Susan Cooper is a great writer and I just noticed that this book is part of a series, so am hoping to get the others.

In this 2nd book, Will is the seventh son of a seventh son. He meets some of the Old Ones and finds out that as from his birthday, he is now a seeker. A seeker who must find the signs, but how..... Not only must he find the signs unaided, he must also do this whilst being persued.

The series

  • Over sea, under stone
  • The dark is rising
  • Greenwitch
  • The Grey King
  • Silver on the Tree


  1. The Dark is rising is my favourite of the series. I managed to watch the film (on TV) for five minutes before I gave up in disgust~!

  2. I think they alway find it difficult to produce the book as a movie. Still when the important parts of the book are changed then it does not feel right. BUT for someone just watching the movie it might seem like a good movie? I really though the books were good.
