
I am fascinated with Myths and Legends.  I started reading about them on my own at a very young age, about 6years old.  My parents are also interested in Mythology and have studied many different cultures and their myths and legends for more than 20 years - so I suppose that also feeds my interest in them.

Iona Boy by Mary Rhind

This book is based on both celtic mythology and historical evidence.  It tells of the story of a young boy who meets the Picts through his travels with St. Columbus (Colum Cille).

He also meets a waterhorse who helps them and a the Loch Ness Monster along the way as well as other adventures.

Its a good reading book as well as a historical book.  The author graudated from teh Dept. of Celtic Studies at Aberdeen University and she put a lot of research into this book.

The High Deeds of Finn Mac Cool by Rosemary Sutcliff


In the proud and far-back days, when Ireland was called Erin, there was a band of heroic warriors called Fianna. Theirs was the task of guarding the shores of their country and controlling the blood feuds of the five kingdoms into which Erin was divided, and their most glorious time was when their leader was a hero named Finn MacCool.

I enjoyed this book because of the way Rosemay Sutcliff linked a lot of the CELTIC MYTHOLOGY together. It made it seem real. Sadly myths and legends are split up into individual stories and then they become difficult to fit into a pattern.The more time that passes the more that is lost. When people only concentrate on a few of the legends then they leave out so many of them and over time they get forgotten.

The Percy Jackson series is about Greek Mythology

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