Monday 11 October 2010

Charlie Bone - Jenny Nimmo

Brilliant books. You like have to read them. I started in the middle of the Time Twister (by accident) and it just had me hooked. After sneaking a couple of pages, I went straight to the beginning and finished it before the end of the day!

The story is so good and exciting. Mixing magic, friendship, time travel and wicked relatives and a school that's more like a prison.

Next I managed to find Midnight for Charlie Bone in the local seconds store. I am half way through it and I just checked on the internet and there are 5 in the series.

I want to get them ALLLLL!!! My parents also thought they were good and we kind of were all reading the books at the same time LOL

Here is a sneak preview of Midnight for Charlie Bone on

Here is the official CHARLIE BONE WEBSITE - enjoy it gives the details of the other books in the series.

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