Monday 11 October 2010

The Stone Summons

I heard about this a while ago, by co-incidence - but that's another story entirely. Should I say I met Alex first by co-incidence.

Anyway I decided not to buy the download version even though I really wanted to read it asap. I prefer to read a book and own the book. I sometimes read a book I like a few times and a download might be cheaper but a good book is like a friend.

I had read the preview pages online and it seemed like a really good book. I liked the characters already.

It took a while before I had enough to buy the book but I was always thinking about Alex and what he had said to me, so I had to read it.

I got it in the mail and finished reading it by the next day. We were all pulling the book away from each other trying to finish it first.

It was brilliant. I really enjoyed the story. Its written so well you can really imagine the characters.

You gotta read it, as soon as you can. Buy it from here or down load it - which ever you chose!

Its about a couple of kids who are spread out over different continents. Events draw them together and it turns out they all have a few things in common. Then their adventure starts and they discover their quest.

After I read the book, I thought that it would be great if there was another book to carry the story on :)

1 comment:

  1. I read this book and enjoyed the story a lot. Thanks for recommending it.

    It is interesting how you actually found the book through your own beachcombing blog! Imagine searching for another beachcombing blog and finding a good book :)
