Saturday 16 October 2010

Percy Jackson and The Last Olympian

I just wrote a review for this amazing book Percy Jackson and The Last Olympian.

Here is my review:

Percy Jackson is the son of Poseidon, god of the sea. He turns 16 in a week, when bad things are supposed to happen. The evil Lord of the Titans Kronos and an army of monsters are predicted, not to mention that lots of angry demigods are attacking Olympus. But no problemo he is invincible, but still the odds of wining are grim. As if that is not enough to worry about some mortal appears in the middle battle and says 5 words that give him a massive head ach!

“You are not the Hero”.

What the hack is that supposed to mean?

I loved this book it was amazing.

Rick Riordan really knows how to capture his audience. I loved the book!!!

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