Tuesday 8 February 2011

Busy Reading : Brownie Guide Handbook by Lynda Neilands

Brownie Guide Handbook
The Brownie Guide Handbook is a book on how to be a Brownie, and tells of their ways, activities, ventures and challenges before they are old enough to become Girl Guides. 

"Brownies" are a group/organisation were started for little sisters of Girl Guides by Lord Baden-Powell in  the early 1900's.

Brownies get to do fun activites and earn badges for things like artist and first aid.  They also make a promise that they will do their best to live with friendship, sharing and lending a hand and and try to stop things like hunger, greed and loneliness.

Did you know that is almost every country in the world there are Brownie sisters - millions of them.  Guides and Brownies everywhere wear a World Badge.  It looks more or less like this:

It has all sorts of great tips on everything you can learn and do.

Did you know that Brownies:

  • make things
  • are wide awake
  • help at home
  • lend a hand
  • are friendly
  • do their best.

 Things that you learn are how to:

  •  signal a message using semaphore 
  • set a compass
  • sew on a badge & a button
  • make small cakes 
  • treat simple burns & scalds
  • deal with clothes on fire
  • prevent simple cuts and grazes form getting worse
  • treat a nose bleed 
  • make a scrapbook
  • put on an entertainment
  • make a bark rubbing 
  • grow a hyacinth bulb
  • make tea
  • make a bed
  • pack a suitcase 
  • keep your home safe
  • how to sew, knit, crochet
  • make a gift
  • mind your tongue 
  • make a call from a telephone
  • make a weather chart
  • clean muddy shoes
  • lay a table
  • make a glove puppet
  • jump the blob
  • care for your teeth, hair, nails
  • skip backwards

I will tell you more about it when I have finished the book as there were not any Brownie packs around where I lived overseas, nor are there any here where I live now.

Typically, Brownies are aged between 7-10, and are part of the largest organisation for girls and young women in the uk, which has around 600,000 members. They have sleepovers and they make heaps of friends and have lots of fun!

To see more of what Brownies get up to, visit.

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