Tuesday 8 February 2011

Charlie Bone and the Red Knight by Jenny Nimmo

Charlie Bone and the Red Knight
The Charlie Bone series is one of my favorite series. They are very exciting, so I was overjoyed when the library received it.           BUT...
As I had homework to do I could not get to it quick enough and my parents read it first.....
After 1 week of waiting I finely got to read it.

The evil Bloors what to destroy a will that says that Billy Raven is the real owner of the Bloors academy but Billy is prisoner in a painting and he doesn't want to go home.

The evil Bloors are gathering allies and slowly, bit by bit they are taking over the city. Every day more than 5 family's are seen leaving the city and the only person who can stop them is a tree.

 This book was great but I am, sad that it is the last in the series because I WANNA READ MOOOOOORRRREEEEE

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