Tuesday 26 October 2010

Runemarks - This is such a GOOOOOOOOOD book

Runemarks by Joanne Harris
This all about nordic myths and legends. I really like myths and legends and am quite familiar with a lot of greek and nordic mythology. I really like learning more about myths and legends.

I have not read any books by this author before but I am busy reading this book, at the moment. It is awesome!

I had gone up to the library to see if the Charlie Bone books we had requested had arrived but they had not :( I could not waste the opportunity, so I loaded up the book bag with a few books anyway.

This one I got for myself, but my mum picked it up, to look at it and now she is busy reading this book. LOL. So I am going to read it after her.

Magic Kitten by Sue BentleyLions, Kittens, ponies and foxes.... Strangely enough it all makes a short story - that good enough to escape to during a rainy, misty morning breaktime. Twinkling magic and a purrfect friend, who also happens to enjoy horse-riding and stables. Zoe's summer holiday with her gran turns out ok after all. Better than she expected or imagined.

Short books are fun because they dont take so long to read. They are not complicated so they are a good quick read.

The fun thing about reading is relaxation and escape. A short stay in someone elses life that is full of adventure ;)

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