Monday 29 August 2011

My Story - Highway Girl by Valerie Wilding

Highway Girl: an English girl's diary 1670 (My Story)

The book is set in a tiny village on the edge of Dartmoor, England during the late 1600's.  The main characters, Susannah and  Dominic Makepeace are left orphaned, when their mothers dies, just 10 years after their father.  

Dominic, the oldest, travels to America to seek his fortune, whilst Susannah, still a teenager is left to the accept the charity of richer relatives, the de Gracy's.  Her cousin Juliana is the same age as her but she is stuck up and unfriendly.  Although the de Gracy's  provide Susannah with a cottage and a maid, she is unbearably lonely and misses her brother dreadfully.  

A few months later a letter arrives confirming that her brother, has finally arrived in America but that he is injured and seriously ill. As he is in need of someone to care for him, Susannah decides that she will risk her life to do what it takes to travel to America to look after and save him.  As she has no access to funds, she finds herself forced to consider the option of becoming a...highway girl.

Highway robbery was a dangerous and criminal activity punishable by death i.e.hanging, guillotine or by gibbet (a hanging metal body).

The reader is left worrying and wondering if Susannah will ever get to see her brother again or if she will instead reach a premature and hideous end.

I found this to be a very exciting book.

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