Tuesday 10 May 2011

The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory

The Other Boleyn Girl

The book is set in the 1500's in England.  Historically there is not a lot of information about Mary.  I have read the book and seen the movie and they attempt to fill in the gaps and hints at what her life may have been like.  

Mary Boleyn has just been married at the age of thirteen, when she catches the eye of King Henry VIII.

Her joy of being married is cut short when she discovers that she is merely a pawn in her family's plots.  She is forced to become the Kings mistress and keep him happy to improve her family's standing.  Although her husband also lives at court they are not allowed to be a couple.  This is very distressing to them both.

After Mary has produced 2 children, the kings interest fades and she is ordered to pass on her knowledge of how to please him to her friend and rival, her sister Anne.  

Mary feels betrayed and angry with her sister but left with no option, she turns back to her husband who still loves her.  

Mary has a short time to spend with her husband before he dies of a fever.

Soon Anne is to become Queen and Mary hopes she will be able to have a new life.

She falls in love with a man, who catches her eye and he offers her a life of freedom and passion far from the court....

...if only Mary has the courage to break away in time. 

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