Monday 29 August 2011

My Story: Roman Invasion - A British Boy AD 84

Roman Invasion (My Story)

This book is set in the time before the Hadrian wall was built.  Roman legions were in northern Britain to build a military road.  Native northern tribes fought against them.

Bran is an 11 year old warrior prince.  He is of the northern British native tribe, the Carvetii.  

Bran is captured by the Romans, along with his mother, Queen Cardua, sister and cousins.  The reason for this is a big difference between Romans who left their families behind and the native northern tribes of Britain who traveled with their families, whist they defended their territory.  

His fate although better than his cousins, who were sent to Rome as gladiators/ slaves, is uncertain.   Bran is taken as the main hostage by the roman legion of soldiers who are marching east to build a military road. He is used as a human shield to guarantee that the roman road builders will not be attacked, by native British warriors tribes. His mother and sister are also kept as back-up hostages in a Roman fort for the same reason.

Bran is a boy full of defiance, determination and loyalty to his tribe but he is worn down as he sees the ways of his enemy first hand. He becomes aware of the differences in civilisations and learns the reasons for the strength of the Romans e.g. their weapons, roads, forts, armour, food, water, sewage systems and hygiene.

It was difficult for him to accept that victory against the Romans was virtually impossible and would only lead to the death of brave tribal warriors.

The book makes the reader wonder if Prince Bran will see his home or family again. Will their sister tribe, the Brigantes attack the Romans even though this might bring about his own death?  

It seems like the fight is hopeless but in the end  long after this story ends the Romans DID leave Britain………….. only to be replaced by the Saxons.

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