Thursday 17 March 2011

My Story - The Blitz by Vince Cross

Blitz - a Wartime Girl's Diary 1940 - 1941 (My Story)The historical notes after this story sum up that facts about this diary of the blitz.

Some of the points are:
  • Invasion by Germany seemed inevitable, and in May 1940, with many able-bodied men "called-up" into the armed forces, the local defense volunteers or "home guard" was formed to help defend Britain.
  • For 57 nights in a row from Sept. 7th 1940, Hitlers planes raided London. Londoners called this the Blitz after the German expression blitzkrieg, which means lightning war.
  • Up to September 1941 Hitler had killed more British civilians than fighting men.


I think that this book explains what the war was like form a child's point of view and that makes it easier to understand than an adults explanation for kids...

What do you think?

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