Friday 18 February 2011

The Alchemists Cat by: Robin Jarvis

The Alchemist's Cat (The Deptford Histories)

I was attracted to this book because I am interested in alchemy and I also love cats.  This book was good.  It was a good story....... but not a happy story. It is set in the time of the Great Plague.  It is about a boy who is enslaved by his evil uncle and the boy finds a mother cat and her 3 kittens.  His evil uncle adopts one of the kittens and teaches it how to be an alchemists cat. Its name is Jupiter. The boy looks after the cats.  

I felt this book ended "kind of wrong".  It ended more like real life but not like a story.

I read another 2 books about the plague and now I think I really dont want to read about the plague any more thank you.

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