Wednesday 1 December 2010

DVD's this week

How to tame your dragon - What an excellent movie.  We all enjoyed it sooo much.  It was brilliant.  Everything about the movie is great.  There was a big group of people that watched this at the community hall with lots of kids and some adults. 

Its all about Hiccup, a young viking boy who wants to join in fighting the dragon that plague his small island home, far far north (where it snow 9 months of each year and hails the other 3)...Island of Berk is a curious place to live and Hiccup is not at all like the other vikings.  It turns out though that he had a unique talent, that saves everyone.

The one problem that we did find with the movie is that the dragon he tames is just like Stitch from Lilo and Stitch and that spoils it a bit.

This movie is set in England, C.E. 984.  An evil king is killed during a peasant rebellion and his seemingly innocent takes his crown.  Shortly afterward he is injured his mother the Queen arranges for him to be taken to a dragon who has the power to heal.  The dragon recognised the queen as a daughter of the Celts and as a favour to her sacrifices a part of his heart to heal the prince.  As time passes the prince turns out worse than his father and has no pity on anyone.  His childhood mentor, vows to find the dragon and kill him for corrupting the prince.  He becomes a dragon slayer :(

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